Faculty activity,  learning,  Library


Today it feels like I’m getting some sort of handle on my job activities. When I was given my job description  (I was offered a job that I didn’t interview for), it listed all of the possible things that this job includes. Most of it was boilerplate stuff that fell under the categories of collection  management, instruction, and reference. This I expected.

Having had two weeks of orientation and a chance to see the library as a organism, I have a better perspective. We are beginning preparations for the fall semester. And by the end of the month I am expected to be making and doing. I’m starting to see what proportions of time are spent on which activity at this stage.

  • Making or updating guides
  • Consultations
  • Develop and teach workshops/classes
  • Professional activities: conferences, webinars, continuing education, classes

Because I am at the begining of my career, I additionally have to think about a reseach subject. The eventual output of this will be papers and grants. I might have a better idea about this once I get involved into my departments.

Also, I am initiating liaison service to basic science research so, I have to add those objectives:

  • Determining which units to connect to (academic, office of research services, IACUC, graduate school administration, post-doctoral affairs)
  • Develop links to other librarians (data curation/management, scholarly communication)

It’s not the full spectrum of my work, now or in the future. I haven’t even touched on collections, additional certifications, or committee work from the library level to national. When I think about the scope of what’s before me, and the amount of growth I will experience, I can hardly believe my good fortune.

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