
2015 work in review

I didn’t realize it, butI was starting to get anxious because in a month or so, I need to start a dialog with my director about contract renewal. I have a ton of things to do this semester and I am only at the earliest begining of all of it. I won’t bore you with the details, but the fact that I have so much work to accomplish and yet my renewal is around the corner is making monkeys in my head.

Last summer, I spent some time outlining the goals that I would have this year. I used the performance evaluation form that was in circulation at the time, and for my own record, have been updating it as I complete work. I took a look at it this morning, and you know what? I’m right on target.

My renewal and performance review aren’t in sync yet because my hire date relative to my position mess that up. But overall this means that the monkeys have to go find something else to do for a while.

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