Day in review May 26, 2015
I came to work today feeling the psychlogical weight of all the work I had to do. I had a list (overly ambitious) of a few that I wanted ot knock off over the weekend. I figured that a weekend at my mom’s house would have enough down time. If not that, then the holiday would give me the room I needed.
But it didn’t. I was tired the whole weekend. The funeral for Donald was quiet and quick. But it was draining just the same. The emotional energy it takes being around my mother, circumstance notwithstanding, is always tiring. Then there was the drive home, dropping off the sister, the errands. I didn’t do much yesterday, but that was as planned. I wrote a little last night. I could barely keep my eyes open to do it.
So when I got to work, I stuck to the original plan. I have to teach tomorrow. I communicated with my co-instructors, finalized handouts, wrote the bulk of my outline. I also am part of an characterization of information seeking project. Our lit review section is due Friday. Thankfully, this is just an update of a previous lit review, so that helps. I’d like to get some research time, but that will drop off for this week. Other deadlines aren’t negotiable. I sat on chat for an hour with no questions. But it did enable me to get some of my committee work done. Our New Libguides launched today and since I’m teaching off them tomorrow, I will have to spend some time tonight fixing some aesthetics. It can’t be helped. I even managed to get some of the long term planning blocked out for the year. I don’t have my performace review done yet, but there are certain things that are fixed already.