
  • Books,  Health,  Personal Thoughts

    Big Magic

    I received Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic when it came out last Tuesday. I had read it through by Thursday.  The book was an easy read, similar in style to Eat, Pray, Love in that is was constructed by a series of connected essays. Content wise, there was much in there that I had heard in other forms, bits from her TED talks (thankfully that was not all the material she used), chunks of her personal experience, and comcepts covered by Julia Cameron. However, this is wholly in her own voice and comes together as a cohesive work that lends new insight to the creative life. I found it compelling in a way…

  • Books,  Outdoors

    Bikes and books

    I have successfully biked both to and from work today. It was more labor than I thought having an actual gym workout as well. I discovered that while Jackson is scary, its manageable. Drivers, in general, are used to a lot of bikes on the road in the loop. The inevitable happened. Now that I am riding a bike in the city, I see them everywhere and it wasn’t unusual to have a few of us lined up at a stop light. What I also discovered, is that this will be a little hard on my knees. These bikes are not light. The bike in the morning wouldn’t hold it’s…

  • Books

    The Belgariad

    I went for comfort reading this week. I wanted to find something that wasn’t taxing, provided some good feelings like comfort food. So I turned to Davind Edding’s Belgariad. The first time I read this I was in high school and loved it. At the time, it was the fantasy I was into along with Christopher Stacheff and re-reading LOTR. That particular trio was was reading in constant rotation about once a year in between other things or homework. I kept up this cycle through early college. Shortly after my daughter was born, I ran out of reading time. I was still in college, so I had texts and homework.…