
Site environment and stress

Friday I spent the day in one of our regional locations. I had planned on this to make sure that my site students had the same in-person availability that my home students did. I went to site and students didn’t come. I brought other work in case that happened, but the majority of it didn’t get done. I got work done, it just wasn’t that work.

What I did get done was an initial scouting for workshops we have internal funding for. Made impromptu appointments and discussed opportunities. I was warmly received and felt that I got a lot accomplished in a few conversations. For this particular project, this was a good start. One that I wish I could repeat at all of the sites. Maybe that will be a target for the summer.

But in the mean time, I felt different while I was there. The site is smaller and more intimate. The atmosphere was laid back, but I get the impression that was less due to it being Friday and more just because theyare like that. It was a total non-stress environment. I appreciated that. I don’t feel that my current location is the same way. It’s hard to not absorb the Big University overtones into your psyche.

I’m glad that I had it. There is lots of opportunity there. And having the environment situation so starkly in contrast makes me more aware of my response to it. I was particularly aware of my agenda today in a way that made me stressed. I took the time to run a  meditation session on the train home. It helps some and I hope to use the time I have this week to figure out a few things for myself in terms of priorities and timelines. It seems the planning never ends. Is this what all desk jobs are like?

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