NNWM 2015 Day 4
So I said that I would participate in NNWM this year and I am — sort of. I always like the idea of this project. This year I have a story line even. But I can;t seem to get any momentum behind it. I open a file and I sit there. I know the point is to just write, but nothing happens. I feel dried up. This feeling is interesting because I know my past hasn’t been that way. I was able to write with various degrees of ease. Right now, writing is the hardest it’s ever been for me. I know what it feels like to just have the…
NNWM 2015
It is September and that means a few things. One, that my birthday is in a month. Two that I need to book the date for our annual cookie baking day. And three, National Novel Writing Month is seeping into consciousness. I need to decide how I would like to participate and to what degree. Last year I cleared the 50K with relative ease. My approach was to write at least thirty essays, one per day, on topics that I wanted to explore about myself. I created a list of ideas encapsulated in two or three words that I would take my train ride to think about and examine. I…